Stratcom Security is the trading name of Training Systems and Solutions Limited. It is a New Zealand owned and operated Private Training Establishment registered by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) under the Education and Training Act 2020. We are an award-winning training provider that specalises in security and hospitality courses.
We do not run a training centre, instead we take blended learning courses to our trainees at places and times that suit them. We have relationships with a number of relevant organisations to maintain the quality of our training and assessment and to provide proper recognition of trainees’ achievements.
Stratcom Security is a Category 1 provider
NZQA is responsible for registering non-university qualifications and tertiary training providers. It manages the quality of New Zealand qualifications and micro-credential courses that we deliver. We report each trainee’s credit completions directly to NZQA where they are recorded on the trainee’s Record of Achievement.
NZQA assesses the standard of education for tertiary education organisations through regular external evaluation and review (EER). This holds tertiary education organisations accountable to their students, employers, funders, quality assurance bodies and other interested parties.
In our most recent EER audit report (January 2022) Stratcom Security has been placed in Category One, the highest provider category. This means NZQA is highly confident in Stratcom Security’s educational performance and our ability in self-assessment.
Click here to view our latest EER report.
To upskill the security and hospitality sector through the provision of flexible, innovative and comprehensive training, thereby allowing them to conduct their work in a manner where everyone is safe.
Enabling learners who are employed in security and hospitality work to complete trainings that will develop their careers and personal lives.
Values and Strategic Goals
Inclusivity is at the heart of our approach. We welcome diversity and create a learning environment where every individual, regardless of their culture and background, feels valued and supported.
At Stratcom Security, we believe that:
- For most people having a job is fundamental to being independent
- Everybody who wants to build their skills and independence deserves a chance to continue their education.
- Learning can be delivered flexibly so that people can do it while being employed in a job.
- Everybody can learn and achieve with the right support.
- People learn effectively through blended learning approaches – including group learning sessions, in-person practical skills training and independent study.
- Literacy and numeracy are fundamental to learning.
- Different jobs may require different types of literacy and numeracy.
- Training is best delivered by tailoring it to the individual through an individual learning plan.
- Security and hospitality workers deserve to work in an environment where they feel safe and secure.
Our strategic goals are to:
- Empower learners by assisting them to gain the necessary skills and qualifications to develop a meaningful career in the security industry.
- Take a holistic approach in caring for learners’ whole-person development.
- Equip learners with the skills and knowledge so that they can be safe while working.
- Provide learners with a supportive learning environment.
- Acknowledge the importance of learners’ voice and give learners every opportunity to give us their feedback.
- Connect learners with relevant professional organisations and quality employers, thereby allowing them to flourish in their career.
Mode of Operation
We do not operate a campus or training centre. We offer blended-learning courses and programmes where the face-to-face components are delivered at places and times that suit our trainees. We deliver training in different regions of New Zealand. The places we conduct our training serves as our temporary training venues, they are all thoroughly inspected and reported to NZQA to ensure that they are safe to use and fit for purpose.
We only enrol domestic learners that are working in the security or hospitality industry.
In general, we do not offer training courses to trainees who are on student or work visas because we are not a signatory to the Education (Pastoral Care of International Students) Code of Practice 2021 (the Code). However, we may enrol trainees who are on student or work visas for some work-related courses that are required and paid for by the trainee’s employer and are no longer than 10 days. See New Zealand Gazette notice GO5549 (2j).
If you are unsure whether you are eligible to enrol with us, please contact us directly.
Pastoral Care
At Stratcom Security, we value learners’ wellbeing and safety above all else. If you are encountering any personal or academic challenges, please talk to your tutor and we will be able to provide you with assistance and guidance. In cases where we are unable to support you as needed, we will refer you to organisations that has the expertise to do so.
Our pastoral care and learner support policies and procedures follow NZQA’s Education (Pastoral Care of Tertiary and International Learners) Code of Practice 2021 (the Code), where we ensure the following outcomes for all learners:
Outcome 1 – Learner well-being and safety system
Outcome 2 – Learner voice – invite feedback and provide for complaint resolution
Outcome 3 – Safe, inclusive supportive and accessible physical and digital learning environments for learners.
Outcome 4 – Promotion of learner wellbeing and safety
Click here to learn more about the Code.
Please click on the link below to view Stratcom Security’s current NZQA Pastoral Care Self-Review Report (2024):
Stratcom Security NZQA Self-Review Report 2024
Industry Organisations
Below are some of the governmental and industry organisations that we work closely with in order to keep our training relevant, up-to-date and pragmatic.
Workforce Development Councils (WDCs)
6 WDCs were established in 2021 to represent all industries in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Each WDC will work with industry and employers to understand the skills that are needed. This information will be passed to education and training providers, who will be expected to create learning programmes that will give people relevant skills to address future workforce needs.
WDCs will lead the development of industry qualifications, they will set industry standards and assess training provision against these industry standards. Where appropriate, WDCs will set and help with capstone assessments at the end of a qualification. Industry standards will be consistently applied across the country, and across all modes of learning, whether on the job (such as apprenticeships), on campus or online.
WDCs will also endorse vocational education programmes prior to them being approved by NZQA.
Stratcom Security works closely with 2 WDCs, Ringa Hora (Services), the WDC that manages the Security and Hospitality unit standards assessed by Stratcom Security, and Toitū te Wairoa (Community, Health, Education, and Social Services), the WDC that manages the first aid standards we deliver.
NZQA manages the Core Generic standards we deliver.
To learn more about the WDCs, please visit
The Private Security Personnel Licensing Authority (PSPLA)
The PSPLA is in the Ministry of Justice and issues licence and Certificate of Approval (COA) to people working in the security industry and keeps a register of all holders. Trainees who have completed the training required for a COA or a Security Consultant Licence and meet other requirements of PSPLA will need to apply directly to the PSPLA to have their licences issued.
Please click here to learn more about the PSPLA and the licensing process.
The New Zealand Security Association (NZSA)
Stratcom Security is an accredited member of the NZSA,. The NZSA represents the majority of organisations operating in the security industry. Its work includes ensuring that industry training is fit for purpose and meets industry needs, and promoting industry best practice through standards, codes of practice and industry guidelines.
Please click here to learn about the NZSA.
We also work with many security organisations to ensure that our training is relevant to industry needs, this network also allows us to connect our learners to roles and employers that fit their needs.
Independent Tertiary Education New Zealand (ITENZ)
Stratcom Security is registered as a financial member of Independent Tertiary Education New Zealand and adheres to the association’s rules and codes of practice.
Please click here to learn about ITENZ.
Training and assessment
We offer skill-based and practical training programmes that are relevant to the security and hospitality sector. If you are interested in upskilling yourself through any of our training programms, please contact your employer or talk to one of our staff members. Please visit our courses page to learn more about our courses, programmes and micro-credentials.
Stratcom Security has policies and procedures to ensure that our training is relevant and fit for purpose and that our assessment is fair. These policies and procedures are part of our Quality Management System and are available to enrolled learners on request.
Learner Handbook
The learner handbook includes the policies, procedures, rules and regulations that guides the operation of Stratcom Security. It also has information to assist you to settle into studying with us.
Stratcom Security Learner Handbook
Health and Safety
As we do not operate our own campus, health and safety policies and procedures that fit our mode of operations are in place to guide staff members and learners. In case of emergency or critical incidents, our staff members are guided by our Emergency and Critical Incident Management Procedures and will respond to any unfolding situation(s) accordingly.